Friday, December 20, 2013

Home for the Holidays

Now that we're officially into the weekend before Christmas, I'm starting to get incredibly excited for the holiday. This will be Jonathan's first Christmas with my family up in Boston and I'm so excited for him to partake in our family traditions. Christmas Eve is a big deal in my family. We get all dressed up and head to a family friend's home to partake in lots of food, spirits and good company. We've done this every year for as long as I can remember! I grew up with these friends and love reminiscing over the good memories! We always attend midnight mass every Christmas Eve following the festivities. Since my parents moved out of the suburbs of Massachusetts and into Boston, we'll be attending midnight mass at the Cathedral where Jonathan and I were married last year. It'll be a very special Christmas for us.

Looking forward to seeing lots of friends and family, eating good food, drinking delicious wine, hitting the slopes and spending lots of evenings by fireside! Cheers to you and yours this holiday season and wishing you the best in the New Year! xx

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